Pediatric Dental Sealants in Lincoln, NE
Children without dental sealants have three times as many cavities as children with sealants. Decay and cavities can cause damage to primary teeth and result in discomfort and pain. Regular visits to our trained dentist near you can help your child receive timely treatment.
What Are Dental Sealants?
The rear teeth, including premolars and molars, often have deep pits and grooves that trap food and attract bacteria. Even if your child brushes and flosses, molars are difficult to clean.
The bacteria feed on the tiny food particles and attack tooth enamel, causing the tooth to decay. Rear teeth tend to be more prone to decay as children cannot clean them properly during brushing and flossing. Once decay begins to set in, cavities begin to form on the chewing surfaces of the teeth.
At Lincoln Children’s Dentistry, our skilled dentist Dr. Rebecca Scott provides liquid dental sealants for rear teeth to protect them from cavities. While we generally apply sealants to the first and second set of molars, they can also be applied to primary molars.
Will Your Child Find the Procedure Painful?
There is no pain or discomfort associated with getting dental sealants near you. We do not need to file down tooth structure, and there is no need for sedation or anesthesia.
First, our dentist will clean the teeth thoroughly to remove any food particles or debris stuck between the grooves. Next, we will apply a special conditioning gel on the chewing surfaces and rinse it off within a few minutes. Our experienced dentist in Lincoln, NE, will then apply the liquid sealant over the back teeth. After the application, our dentist will help it set by shining a special light on it. Sealants in Lincoln, NE, take just a few minutes to set and last anywhere from five to ten years.
Dr. Rebecca Scott seals each tooth in just a few minutes. Your child can eat and drink without restrictions once the procedure is over. For more information on dental sealants, please call Lincoln Children’s Dentistry for a consultation today.