why do children need dental crowns

Why Do Children Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are placed over existing teeth to strengthen and protect them from further damage. Pediatric dental crowns are made from different materials, so it’s essential to test your child for allergies before settling on an option. Visit a children’s dentist in Lincoln, NE, for personalized treatment for your kid.

Why Do Children Need Dental Crowns?

Just like permanent teeth, milk is also essential. Hence, if your child is threatened to lose their teeth in time, it is necessary to prevent it. Tooth decay is common in children, and it’s known to be the leading cause of tooth loss. If the cavities are too large and cannot be supported by the tooth, the dentist may recommend a dental crown. The dental crown will save the tooth and prevent the spread of decay or infection to other parts of the mouth. Primary teeth are thinner than permanent ones, and decay can quickly spread from one tooth to the next. Additionally, dental crown restoration is vital to your child’s oral health.

What Types of Crowns Are Used in Pediatric Dentistry?

Are you looking for same-day crowns near you? Here are different types of pediatric crowns at Lincoln Children’s Dentistry.

Resin Veneer Crowns

Also known as veneered steel crowns, these crowns are made from a combination of stainless steel and a tooth-coloured material. With resin veneer crowns, you are guaranteed aesthetics and durability. The stainless-steel material is placed on the back of the crown, while the tooth-coloured resin is used on the front surface. Resin veneer crowns are highly durable and can be used for anterior and posterior teeth. However, they have a downside which includes limited trimming and sculpturing.

Composite Strip Crowns

These crowns are best used on the anterior teeth due to their great aesthetics. Strip crowns have a transparent plastic-like shell filled with a tooth-coloured composite material. They are fitted over the damaged tooth, and once the composite material is hardened, the plastic strip is removed and leaves behind a toothlike shell, the crown. Unfortunately, these crowns are susceptible to fractures, and their placement process could risk a haemorrhage. There has to be moisture control to ensure that no air holes are formed within the composite as it hardens.

Polycarbonate Crowns

These crowns are formed from acrylic or polycarbonate resin shells cemented with a self-adhesive resin. Polycarbonate crowns provide an aesthetic of the same tooth colour at an affordable price. They are mainly used for a temporary restoration, and their durability will vary from application to application. Polycarbonate crowns have a universal shade which can be modified with liners and cement.

Zirconia Ceramic Crowns

Are you looking for biocompatible and durable pediatric crowns? At Children’s dentistry Lincoln, we recommend zirconia ceramic crowns with excellent aesthetics. Zirconia crowns are made of zirconium oxide stabilized by yttrium oxide, which gives them the name yttria-stabilized zirconia. These crowns can also be layered with porcelain within their substructure or on their surface. Zirconia ceramic crowns are more costly than other crowns and extremely strong.

Stainless Steel Crowns

If you are looking for affordable and durable crowns or pediatric dentist in Lincoln will likely recommend stainless steel crowns. These crowns are made from a mixture of carbon, iron, chromium and other metals. Other than their poor aesthetic and potential to cause an allergic reaction, stainless steel crowns don’t damage and will last for a long time. They are mainly used on the back teeth, where they are less likely to be seen.

What Can You Expect During and After the Procedure?

During the Procedure

  • The dentist will first numb the area using a numbing gel by applying it around the cheeks and gums surrounding the targeted tooth. A local anaesthetic is then injected to completely numb the tooth. If your child suffers from dental anxiety, the dentist may offer conscious sedation by administering a laughing gas, sedative pill or syrup or an IV sedation.
  • In the next step, the dentist will place a dental dam to isolate the tooth being treated. A small hole is placed over the tooth and secured with a metal apparatus.
  • The dentist will then remove the decayed part of the tooth using a handpiece drill. This handpiece will also be used to shape the tooth for crown placement.
  • The last step will be placing the chosen type of crown.


Your child may experience some discomfort due to the tooth pulp and soft tissue irritation for the first 24 hours. Give them prescribed painkillers to relieve discomfort. Contact your dentist if the pain lasts longer.

Contact your dentist immediately if they complain of chewing or biting difficulties. For more information or questions about pediatric dental crowns, book an appointment with Dr Rebecca Scott.

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